Question: What do I do with books that have been donated to our school?
Response: Good question. Many times people are cleaning out their closets or homes and decide to get rid of books. Then they think of the school. Would you like some books? Here is my standard pat answer.
“I’ll be happy to take a look at them and see if there are any that we could use in the library. If I find any that I don’t need in our library, is it OK with you if I either give them to a classroom or sell them?”
I have never yet had anyone who said they wanted them back if I wasn’t going to put them in the library. But I want to make sure that they are aware that the books may not all go in the library. Most people are just thankful they don’t have to take them back! I then go through them and make four piles. Pile One: For the library, Pile Two: For a classroom, Pile Three: For my sale shelf, Pile Four: Not appropriate. I then process the ones for the library. The classroom books are either given to a teacher I know will use it or put in the workroom in a box labeled FREE. Sale books go on my sale shelf. Books that aren’t appropriate are disposed of in some way.
My sale shelf is just that. I have books on a separate shelf that anyone can buy for a quarter. I used to have different prices – 25 cents for paperbacks, and $1.00 or $2.00 for hardbacks, but that got to be more trouble than it was worth to me. These are books that have either been donated or weeded from the library. I have a couple of parents that come and purchase a few dollars of books from my shelf. There does come a time that I then recycle those that aren’t selling. If you set up a sale shelf, decide if you want everything to be one price, or different prices. Do what works for you.
Inappropriate books can be disposed of by recycling in the recycle bin. These do not go on my sale shelf. If the books are in decent shape, consider trying to sell them on EBay or at a used book store. The used book store will likely give you credit, but you will usually be able to find something to buy from there that will be appropriate for your library.
Have a great week,
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