Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spruce Up Your Space

Christmas vacation is almost upon us and before you know it January will be here. What does your library space look like right now? Think about how you might spruce that space up and make it more inviting. Winter is a perfect time to get those kids reading.
Think about the shelves. What do they look like? Do they need to be dusted? A student can dust around the edges. A pair of students might even be able to take books off the shelves, dust, and then replace the books exactly. Also, putting students to work in the library can get them interested in a book they happen to see on the shelf. You never know!
What about seating? Do you have seating in the library? I don’t have very much, but some of you might have room for a few bean bag chairs. Those are kid magnets. Even if you don’t have room for too much, try to put something interesting in to sit on.
Did you put up posters at the beginning of the year? Are the same ones still up? You might change the posters. You can find fun posters through Highsmigh library supply or Demco.
You can also start a contest of some kind. A poster contest, a reading contest, making book marks. Let your imagination come up with something to promote the library and reading.
What about displays in the library? When your teachers assign projects for the students such as models or dioramas, ask to display them in the library for a time. That will also bring in parents. Other library displays could be based around a theme. Pick a word such as ‘sailing’, then put out all the information you have on sailing. Put a few boats with the books and magazines to add interest. The student that always chooses a story might be tempted to choose a nonfiction book for a change. After a couple of weeks, choose a new word and keep that going for a while.
Some teachers have their students ‘read around the library’ meaning they require students to read books from each of the Dewey sections. You can make cards or bookmarks that they keep track of the different genres and which book they read for each genre.
I hope there are a couple of new ideas for you in adding interest to your library. See what you can do to invite the students in to your space.
Have a great week, a very Merry Christmas, and a Joyous New Year! I’ll see you in January.

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