Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Organizing your small library

Hello for the last time this school year!

I know you must be as busy as we are finishing school, cleaning classrooms, putting away materials and organizing them. Sometime this summer some of you may decide to tackle your library and organize it. Whether you work on your school library or your classroom library, I have help for you. The summer issue of the Journal of Adventist Education is the Library issue. With the help of Joy Palmer I wrote an article for that issue on how to organize a small library. If you follow the guidelines in it, you too can organize your library even if you aren’t a librarian.

As you work on organizing your library whether you do it this summer or another time, please let me know if you have any questions. I hope the article was easy to understand, but I want to know if there are parts that need clarification. I have offered to present a session at the NAD Teacher’s Convention next summer in 2012 in Nashville on organizing a small library and I could use all the advice and help I can get.

I hope you take time to be a little lazy this summer. Read, relax, restore. I will be back next August when school begins with more ideas and books for you. If you have any particular category of book that you would like to have me feature, please let me know.

I have enjoyed being your Resource Librarian this year and look forward to a great year next year.
Have a great summer!

1 comment:

  1. Audrey-
    I have been following your blog for several months and have found it extremely helpful in a lot of areas. I will be taking over as the part-time librarian at my children's small Christian school this fall and I have no education in this area. I have been automating our library for the last 5 months and this summer I will be relocating it to another area of our school. I have found answers to many of my questions from reading older posts on your blog. I was wondering if you could forward me the article you mentioned about organizing a small library. It may prove to be very helpful when I start this move. My email is luther@douglasfast.net
    Thank you for your dedication to this blog, it has been invaluable to me.
