Every now and then we find we must discard a much loved and much used book. We want another copy, but how can we find one? Very likely most of you know where and how to look for used books but I thought it might be helpful to have other sources available in case you need them.
My first go-to for used books is my local used bookstore. You just never know what you will find there. However, the owner is so busy, he is unable to keep an eye out for the copy I would like to have. If I can’t find it there, I either must keep coming back regularly or go elsewhere. It may be that you have a used bookstore and that person will watch for incoming titles that you want. If so, consider yourself very lucky.
I also go to Amazon.com. For just about every book listed there are used options. Sometimes the used options are much more expensive than the original. I just looked for a particular book that is out of print and saw that the used copy in ‘Good’ condition was $0.01 (plus the $4.99 shipping and handling charge), but a new copy was $59.00. The original price for the thin paperback book couldn’t have been more than $12.00.
If I am unsuccessful at Amazon (and it does happen), I next go to www.abebooks.com. Here I can search according to author, title, keyword, or ISBN. If I go to the advanced search options, I can also search by publisher, binding, choose a first edition, a signed copy, choose if I want a dust jacket or not, and choose by price. I have found some really great deals at this site.
Other online used book stores include www.Alabris.com, www.Powells.com, www.thriftbooks.com, www.bookfinder.com, and www.betterworldbooks.com.
Check multiple sources. You may not find what you want, but then again. . . you might find a sweet deal.
I hope you have a great week.
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