Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Organizing Your Library

The school year is now underway and things will be settling down soon to a regular routine. When you feel you are settled into the year, take a look at your library. Do you have one? Or do you have a few shelves that just have some books on them? How is your library area organized? How do students check out books? If you have a few shelves with some books on them and no organization plan, it is time to get one going. Last year I reviewed two different library automation programs. Maybe this is the year to choose one and get your library automated. You can see the pros and cons of each on my blog in the February archives. sdalibrarian.blogspot.com.

Don’t be overwhelmed by this task. Also, don’t feel like YOU have to be the only one to do it. Chances are there are people in your community or church that would be very willing to help with the organizing and people who can help you make the decisions. I taught at a school where two retired women volunteered to help with the school library. Students may also be a good resource for you. They may be able to help organize or help with other tasks. I have a group of students that volunteer one lunch recess a week to help in the library.

Find out who and where your resources are. Maybe you have a university or college nearby. Check the local public library or public school libraries. It is possible that the librarian knows of someone who is able to help. You may have a student who you trust to follow directions. Put a request in the local church bulletin asking for volunteers to help organize the library.

When the job is done, don’t forget to thank those who were a part of the job. Put a thank you in the church bulletin naming the volunteers, send a nice card in the mail with the students’ signatures, or dedicate a new book in your library for each volunteer with a nice bookplate inside. There are many other ways to show appreciation. Let me know of other ways that you have shown appreciation for your helpers.

I hope you have a great school year. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

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