Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to the New School Year!


I apologize for not starting this sooner, but I do have excuses. I was sick last week, and just plain forgot! I got out of the habit of my weekly email, and need to get back in!

I am Audrey Campbell, the Media Center Director at Rogers Adventist School in College Place, WA. I am starting my fifteenth year at Rogers. Before coming to College Place, I was teaching third grade at Keene Adventist Elementary School in Keene, TX, and previously to that I taught grades 5 – 9 in Tallahassee, FL. Each of these schools has something to do with the man I married. He was in graduate school at Florida State University in Tallahassee when we married, then went to Southwestern Adventist University to teach physics. After seventeen years in Keene, we transitioned to Walla Walla University. You may have noticed that my early teaching experience was in a classroom. When we moved here, the job the Lord gave me was the job in the library. I have learned a LOT and it is the perfect job for me. I love books and have been preparing for this position all my life. I didn’t realize it until I got here, but it is true. If you want to know more of this story, let me know. I am not shy.

Some of you have been getting my emails for years now and others of you are brand new to this. It has been six and a half years since I started as the Resource Librarian for the NPUC. Most of you are small schools teachers with either no librarian or a volunteer helper. Most of you have little experience in library and may not feel confident. You are the reason I am here. I am your librarian. If you have any questions or comments, email me. I will help you.

Now I have a bit of ‘homework’ for you. Please do one of both of these things.

1. Go to sdalibrarian.blogspot.com. This is my blog. After I send out my weekly email full of very interesting things to you, I post it to this blog. You can see that I have been posting since January of 2009. Check out any post you like, but bookmark this so you don’t forget where it is.

2. Make a list of the things you would like to know or things you would like to see in an email from me. What are your needs? What do you wish you could do in your classroom in regard to books or libraries this year? Send me the list and I will do my best to make these wishes come true.

I hope you have a wonderful school year. I want to hear from you, so don’t be hesitant to contact me.


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