Monday, September 14, 2015

What are You Reading?


As I was sitting here musing about what to write to you today and wondering if there was anything new I could say, I got a flash of brilliance. At least, I HOPE it was brilliance. In any case, these flashes don’t come along that often so I need to jump on them when they do come.

I was wondering what you all are reading? (If you aren’t reading anything, shame on you.) Anyway, I thought it would be a great school year project/bulletin board for your class. A bulletin board could be titled “What Are You Reading?” or something even more creative. Put your name up along with a strip of paper that has the title of the book you are currently reading. Each student’s name can be up with blank strips. Let them write the titles of the books they are currently reading and as you/they complete a book, put a new strip up. If you put the new title strip over the old one, by the end of the year, they will have a list of all the books they read over the school year. The students will be very interested in what you are reading. If you read some of the juvenile titles in your school library, they will check them out when you are done.

I taught third grade for years and I would go to the library and check out some chapter books that were about their reading level. During our silent reading period, I would be reading and would deliberately giggle quietly, then hush myself. After the silent period, students would ask what I was reading that was so funny. I told them and when I returned the book, someone would grab it. It was sneaky, but it worked. Even now, years later, I have some of those parents telling me that their children love to read because of me.

The only thing I did was to have a daily silent reading period and read great stories to the children. I promoted reading and let them know how much fun it could be.

If you put up a reading area similar to this idea, I’d like to know how it works for you.

Have a great week,

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