Monday, November 18, 2019

Native American books


I must apologize for one thing from last week. I mentioned getting 20% off from Amazon and one of you questioned how I do that. After thinking a short time, I realized that I have Amazon Prime which give me free shipping, not a discount. The local bookstore did give me 20% off, so that must be where I got the idea in my head. I am sorry for any confusion.

This week I want to give you some information I recently received from one of the professors at WWU. She teaches Children’s Literature and found a website from their textbook on Native American literature. It is a blog by Debbie Reese, a Nambe Pueblo Indian and children’s literature specialist. Here’s the link for you.

I read a number of her blog posts and realized that my picture of Native Americans was very likely not a correct picture and has been colored by what I have seen about Indians in the literature I have read over the years. I have a hard time getting rid of my Thanksgiving books that stereotype Native Americans in feathers, headdresses, skimpy skin clothing, and war paint. On the other hand, I don’t want to be insensitive to the feelings of Native Americans who are insulted by being stereotyped or being called savages.

I went through my library and pulled off a few of the books that Ms. Reese found objectionable and during the next week or so, will continue to check the books I currently use for this holiday. I also ordered a number of the appropriate books on Reese’s lists.

I’m interested in your thoughts on this topic.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving vacation.


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