Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What are You Reading Right Now?


At one holiday party I was at, our discussion around the table was about the books we were reading. My husband asked everyone, “What are you reading right now?” We got some really interesting answers. This would make a great Morning Meeting question. Everyone can share what they are reading and a bit about the book. If they are still reading the same book next week, they can tell what happened since last week. If they aren’t reading anything, you can encourage them to find a book to share next time. Most kids will love this and it will be a great motivation to read, so they can share.

So, let’s start. What are you reading right now?

We have a little book club here at my school and our group just finished reading “The Help” about Southern women in the 60’s and the black maids. You may remember seeing trailers of the movie within the last year or two.

I also just finished the newest John Grisham book, “The Litigators” about a lawyer who became fed up with his job at a large firm and walked away. He joined a small firm and became involved in mass tort litigation for two different products.

I read a book called “The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie”. A young woman who was impressed by the Little House books tells of her trips to visit all the ‘Little Houses’ where Laura Ingalls Wilder lived. I realize that that sounds pretty boring, but trust me, if you like Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books, you will enjoy this one, too.
Right now I am rereading all the Betsy Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. I have most of them in the library, but I would caution you that in one of the high school books Betsy and her friends use a Ouija board.

For Christmas my son bought me the Kindle edition of two books from my Amazon list. One is “The Sorcerer’s Apprentices” about young chefs who apprentice themselves at a famous restaurant. The other is “Under the Table” about chefs at the French Culinary school. To add to this theme, my husband bought me two cookbooks from my list also. I got “Kneadlessly Simple” about making bread without kneading. These are yeast breads, mind you. I have tried a couple of recipes and they are delicious.

You can see that my personal reading is quite varied. I also have books waiting to be read. Some are on my Kindle and some are on my bookshelf.

So, let me know what you are reading. I am always looking for something good to read.

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