Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Outdated Textbooks

I got an email from a teacher wondering what I tell people to do with outdated textbooks. She wondered what the best way is to take care of them and wondered if there was a place that needed them.

This is a great question. I am not sure what people do with them actually. I know that most schools simply do not have the storage space to keep them. I would say that if they are in poor condition, to recycle them if possible. If they are in good condition, I would expect that there are schools somewhere that could use them. I don’t know where to find these schools, but I think that the conference office may know more about this than I do.

If the old books are from the old reading series, I would recommend keeping a set or two of each level in the library as a library book. It may be that you have students who need more reading practice and having a book that is on his or her level to read will really help. This is especially true for the younger grades. If you have any of the old Dick and Jane books or even the really old Alice and Jerry books, you have a treasure. Keep them in the library and let students check them out to read.

Now I will turn the tables on to my readers. What do YOU recommend schools do with outdated textbooks? I’ll compile ideas and let you know what others suggest.

I hope you have a great week and a Happy New School Year!

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