Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Weeding in the 000s

Hello, Teachers,

I’ve been sending you to your libraries to weed and weed some more. I have another short place to weed. The 000s include encyclopedias, atlases, almanacs, and dictionaries plus more, but I’ll keep to the four mentioned.

Encyclopedias: My paper indicates that encyclopedias over 5 years old are outdated. I hesitate to toss them if they are less than 10 years old AND used regularly. However, if your print encyclopedias are seldom used, toss them and use the Britannica Online that is free for our SDA schools through the NAD.

Atlases: Make sure that your atlases are up-to-date and attractive to children. Do you have a good world atlas? What about an atlas of the United States or even a road atlas? There are some really fun and pretty picture atlases you might look at, too.

Almanacs: These also fit in the 5-year range, but I admit that we have some that are quite old that the children still like to look through. You are welcome to follow our lead and keep the items that are actually being used regularly. Usually, discarding the older ones and replacing with newer ones is the better plan.

Dictionaries: In a smaller school, it is likely that the classrooms have classroom sets of dictionaries for the students therefore the library may only need one or two. I would suggest he library get a good unabridged dictionary, and one or two college level dictionaries. I really like the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. If you want more, consider adding a thesaurus and a rhyming dictionary.

The main word to consider in this section is “outdated”. If your section is outdated, then you really need to update soon.

I hope you have a great week.


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